
Extra 2 week supply of insulin or pills (Oral Medications)
Extra insulin syringes, alcohol swabs, band-aids, and cotton balls
Pack your Glucometer (home testing meter), test strips, lancets and extra batteries
Water, at least 1 gallon per day, per person, for 3-7 days
Food – enough for 3-7 days, can opener, baby formula, plastic ware
Blankets and pillows, ice packs and cooler
Clothing – rain gear and sturdy shoes
First aid kit, copies of prescriptions and physician information
Toiletries, hygiene items, soap, toothpaste and toothbrushes
Flashlight, extra batteries, and tools
Battery operated radio, fully charged cell phone
Cash, credit card, home keys, car keys
Toys, books, games
Important documents ( insurance, medical records, social security card, bank information), and wear your diabetes I.D. jewelry
Pet care items